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round arm adj.,adv.手臂齊肩的[地]。

round clam

Occasionally she stopped to rest in a mechanical way by some gate or post ; and then , giving the baggage another hitch upon her full round arm , went steadily on again 有時候,她就停下來,機械地靠在柵欄門上或柱子上歇一會兒然后又用她那豐滿圓潤的胳膊挽起行李,不慌不忙地再往前走。

She only witnessed the withdrawal of the arm - the fair round arm of a woman but twenty - five years old , and who yet spread death around her 她只看見那只手臂縮了回去,潔白渾圓,一個二十五歲的年輕美貌的女人的手臂,而那只手臂卻在傾注著死亡。

Her cheeks were pink with health, and her large round arms carried the piled-up dishes with never a tremor . 她臉頰上泛著健康的桃紅色,兩條粗大、渾圓的胳臂托著那些疊在一起的盤子,一抖也不抖一下。